
I've fotten how it felt

&he world fell at our feet

There's such a differeween us

And a million miles

Hello from the other side

I must've called a thousaell you

I'm sorry f that I've done

But when I ever seem to be home

Hello from the outside

At least I say that I've tried to tell you

I'm s your heart

But it do clearly

&ear you apart anymore

Hello how are you

It's so typie to talk about myself

I'm sorry I hope that you're well

Did you ever make it out of that town

&hing ever happened


That the both out of time

Hello from the other side

I must've called a thousaell you

I'm sorry f that I've done

But when I ever seem to be home

Hello from the outside

At least I say that I've tried to tell you

I'm s your heart

But it do clearly

&ear you apart anymore






林希城点了一首林肯公园的in the end,顾青芝唱的这么伤感而大气,他就应该摇滚!然后一股熟悉的qq飞车音乐风袭来。

林希城的嗓音果然很好听,顾青芝觉得他都可以出道了,尤其外形还这么漂亮,做个idol多好。不过一会儿林希城就开始撕心裂肺的喊:“But in the end,

It doeser !”林希城吼得那是全情投入,可是顾青芝完全想到另一件事了,那个时候她很喜欢林肯公园,正好林肯公园来S城开演唱会,她只能眼巴巴看着票被抢光,想着以后一定要努力挣钱,不能连张门票都买不起,可是她有钱了也等不来查斯特·贝宁顿,他去世了,那个男人的嗓音那么温柔,唱起摇滚来却那么的有力量,But i doeser……

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