



■◤◢◤地名与建筑名|Lod Architectures◢◤◢■

【北环区】South Mediti

【本州】tral State

【冰零山】the Frozeron

【迪娅科威什街】Taiyou Kuwait|the Taiyou Kuwait Road

【帝力孚日宫】Dili Vosges|the Dili Vosges Palace

【东环区】East Mediti

【海州】Coastal State

【环北县】the Meditih

【环城市(大环城市)】the Meditiy


【环东县】the Mediti

【开山山脉】the Great Mountain

【宽河】the Wide River

【宽河平原】the Wide River Plain

【南环区】South Mediti

【南州】South State

【破碎列岛】the Separated Islands

【汤乡森林】the Humid Jungle

【西环区】West Mediti

【中环区】tral Mediti

■◤◢◤实体,概念与事件|Entities, d Events◢◤◢■

【《真实》】The Truth

【迪娅科威什风暴】the Great Taiyou Kuwait Blessed Depressio Depression



【浮坦希利亚大陆军】USF Army

【浮坦希利亚合众国】The Ues of Fantasia

【精神离析】Psychology of Disso

【狂泉症候群】S.O.F Phenomenon

【狂热之泉】Spring of Fanaticism

【颅骨食用】Skull of Edibility

【绿叶树生活馆】Greenery of Hall

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